Check out my profile & links to these classes, here.
Author-to-Author for Teens, and Author-to-Author for Tweens: Are you a teen or tween who loves to write? I guide aspiring authors to develop strong literacy while learning to craft character, making setting a powerful component of story, and telling an authentically amazing story ! I'm an award-winning author, longtime English teacher, and freelance editor. I will not only present engaging lessons, but I will also do a deep dive into your writing submissions and provide one-on-one coaching to help you, an aspiring author, to tell the story that is dying to break out of your mind and flow beautifully onto the page.
Advanced Writing for Teens, and Advanced Writing for Tweens: You will write expressively and reflectively, using excerpt(s) of well-known mentor-texts as models and inspiration for your given assignment. *NOTE: It is NOT necessary to buy these books, nor to read them all (although you might beat a path to your library after checking these out!). We are studying the writer-craft! The cool thing about fiction writer-craft is that sometimes you get to break the rules!
Middle-and-High School Expository Essay-writing & Standardized Test Writing Mastery: If you are one of the many students who struggle on the expository writing portion of a standardized assessment, I will teach you valuable tools to not only help you conquer the test next time, but also relieve test anxiety you may have.
Middle-and-High School Persuasive Essay-writing & Standardized Test Writing Mastery: If you are one of the many students who struggle on the persuasive writing portion of a standardized assessment, I will teach you valuable tools to not only help you conquer the test next time, but also relieve test anxiety you may have.
I have written 6 books (5 novels for teens & I co-wrote 1 creative non-fiction trauma recovery book). I have a B.A. in English, minor Secondary Education, M.Ed. in Reading, and over 22 years of experience teaching writing to middle-and high schoolers. I recognize the essential truth of any classroom: all students must feel comfortable and safe being themselves in order to learn. I am committed to preserving an accepting classroom environment that includes guiding students through writing exercises that are constructive and safe.
I live in the woods of East Texas with my family and a menagerie of dogs, cats, Nigerian dwarf goats, and assorted wildlife. I love writing--it's like breathing to me! Learn more about me & my books, here.