I received this beautiful note from a reader who wishes to remain anonymous- but I wanted to share with you all–with the reader’s permission–and I especially want to shout out Riley Horton-Wilson, whose poem, “Doing Time,” she shared so graciously for use in FIND THE MOON.
“Thank you for writing this book. As a survivor of physical and sexual abuse, Find the Moon made me feel less alone. This upcoming Friday will be the second year since the night I almost lost my life. This book reminded me that my pain is “real and true and worthy of knowing. It shouldn’t have happened.” Thank you for reminding me that it’s okay if “I’m just not yet ready to share that part of my history with my family…When I tell them—if I tell them—it’ll be when I’m ready.” I cried reading Sophie’s poem. When I think back to that night, the part of the poem that resonated most with me was, ‘It’s what boyfriends and girlfriends do.’ For the longest time, I didn’t realize what had happened to me because ‘It’s what boyfriends and girlfriends do.’ That’s what I kept telling myself. The poem reiterated all the emotions I felt and still feel towards my abuser. It reassured me that what happened to me was not okay. Find the Moon is a beautiful reminder to take recovery from abuse one step at a time. That is a gift for which I cannot thank you enough.🥺😭❤️”
If you would like to read more about FIND THE MOON, which is available in paperback, ebook, & audio, please check out https://bethfehlbaumbooks.info/find-the-moon-ch-1/