Hey, there!
I’m so excited to share some fabulous news with you: first, there are some great new reviews posted of THE PATIENCE TRILOGY. Please stop by YA Books Central to have a look–and please don’t be confused by the former edition covers on Courage in Patience and Hope in Patience: the reviews are for their current editions: YA Books Central
As if shiny reviews weren’t enough, I am here to announce that THE PATIENCE TRILOGY ebooks are now available EXCLUSIVELY on Amazon for a GREAT price! Courage in Patience e-book is .99; Hope in Patience e-book is 1.99, and Truth in Patience e-book is 3.99. The thing I’m MOST happy about with this development is that Courage in Patience has an excerpt of Hope in Patience now and Hope in Patience has an excerpt of Truth in Patience!
AND, keep watching because beginning Monday of next week, I’ll have more exciting news to share with you!