Kylie Briscoe’s mama is not just an addict; she’s also a dealer, and anytime she owes her uplines money, she makes them a “square deal”—she trafficks Kylie for sex. Even Mama promised her that after the last time, she wouldn’t have to do it again, Mama does not have a good track record in the promise-keeping department.
The principal caregiver of her little sister, Aliza, Kylie finds solace in the moon—it soothes her so—but she has no idea why. When the devil himself breaks down their door and it’s abundantly clear that Mama’s once again proposing Kylie as one-half of a “square deal”, Kylie can’t take it anymore. She cries for help from a neighbor and gets it—but what feels like a rescue is more like a death when fifteen-year-old Kylie loses her beloved three-year-old sister Aliza, the only person who’s ever loved her, and is taken hundreds of miles away to live with the family Mama said was dead.
Now Kylie’s in tiny Patience, Texas with her eccentric potty-mouthed grandmother, ever-patient stargazing grandfather, uncle who reminds her a lot of a cop who terrified her during a drug bust, and a herd of Norwegian Dwarf goats, their “guard donkeys,” and three canine roommates occupying Kylie’s former nursery. The dogs aren’t too sure about sharing “their” bed with Kylie—especially Jake, who Uncle Joey calls “a manatee-canine hybrid.” Ethan, the teen son of Kylie’s English teacher, takes an interest in Kylie and appoints himself her “tour guide” for the tiny two-hallway high school. He warns Kylie to stay away from Casey Tucker, a troubled grieving boy whom Kylie trusts too easily. When the drug charges against Mama are dropped and it appears Kylie might be returned to the Hell her mother subjected her to, Kylie must decide whether to tell the truth—all of it—in order to save herself and her sister.

**You just read the synopsis of FIND THE MOON. Want more?

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Celebrate: Two weeks from Tuesday, FIND THE MOON releases in print and ebook! I’m doing all I can to make this book a success by promoting and taking advantage of as many marketing opportunities as I’m able. I SO APPRECIATE the outstanding support of my publisher, Progressive Rising Phoenix Press, the house’s owner, Amanda Thrasher, my editor, William Speir, Lone Star Literary Life, the plethora of other marketing services I’m engaging (including YA Book Central) and all the readers who are pre-ordering to give FIND THE MOON a strong healthy birth.

Read the whole dang thing now: If you have NOT read FIND THE MOON yet and would like to read it for the purpose of posting an early review on GoodReads and Barnes & Noble (Amazon’s not accepting reviews yet), please request an e-ARC from ( I will NOT be approving any other requests after publication unless you are a journalist or bookseller.

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